Sunday, April 18, 2010

Never underestimate the power of.....

Never underestimate the power of a BLOG!! That is what my friend Becky said to me, a few weeks ago and I can't get it out of my head! By the way, if I knew how to "link" people to a blog, I would "link" you to hers, but I don't, but try this and I think you will get to her blog. She is a wonderful photographer!

Back on to the power of a blog! I am going to see if what she says is true. Now I understand I have only been doing this blog for a few weeks, so I won't expect a miracle, but then again maybe........

Last summer, a friend, Mary Goodwin, and I went to training to start a ROYAL FAMILY KIDS CAMP. It is a camp for abused, neglected and abanded children. At the beginning of the week, we thought there was no way we would be able to do this camp, once we looked at the financial cost of the camp, the time involved and all the volunteers it would take. But by the end of the week, after being with the kids, we thought "there is no way we can not do this camp."

Throughout the summer months, I will be giving updates on this blog about Royal Family Kids Camp. It takes a lot to start a camp....let me stress a LOT! Lots of prayer, lots of money and lots of people!! Today, I will simply let you know what we are in need of and if you would like to help in anyway, please let us know. You can comment here or e-mail me at

Kathy's Royal Family Kids Camp Wish List!
Financial Support
Dress up clothes ...looking for old suites and prom dresses
4 plastic dolls...preferable the ones with no hair : )
Easels to paint on (maybe 2) 1" -2" brushes
Colors, Markers, Sidewalk chalk
Stickers and scrapbook supplies
Hoola Hoops
Jump Ropes
Old bikes that kids can take apart

If you, your family, church or organization would like to become involved I would love to hear from you. We have lots of opportunities available and you would'nt have to be at the camp all week. There are some activities that you could come out for just a night and participate in.

If you would like to volunteer each applicant must be at least 19 years old, complete an interview process, background screening and twelve hours of training provided by professionals in the field of Social Work.

Thanks for reading my wish list, I will keep you posted through the months ahead!


  1. Kathy! Come here and let me teach to you link and post photos! Your stories are great, there's no telling how funny they would be with visuals! Hear me chanting for my favorite story? ...Target....Target...Target...Target!!!!

  2. Suzy!
    and what would you like me to take a picture of at target.....the toilet????? haha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Actually, I would like to see a picture of your grandson instead. Forget about Target's cool hanging toilets for a day!

  5. I wish the ROYAL FAMILY KIDS CAMP was around when I was a kid getting beaten with the Hot Wheels Tracks by the sisters.
