Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Don't Have Time For This.....

Have you ever heard yourself saying "I don't have time for this?" I think most people are busy with life in general, families, work and extra curricular activities. Oh sure there are the few that lead a non-chalant life and have an abundance of extra time on their hands but not to many that I know.

The other day I thought "I am to busy to write a blog", but then I found myself on face book, stalking other people....just to see what they were doing! I found myself looking at pictures of people I didn't even know, and reading peoples status's that I didn't even know!! haha And that started me thinking of all the things I didn't have time for....and for all the things I did have time for!

I didn't have time to go for a walk....
I did have time to go to ZEST'O for ice cream!

I didn't have time to make supper at home....
I did have time to drive to Arby's, order supper and eat it there!

I didn't have time to clean my bathrooms....
I did have time to make dirt, rock soup outside with Haylee!

I didn't have time to vacuum out the car....
I did have time to watch the first 20 minutes of "The View"! (love the hot topics!)

I didn't have time to iron my clothes....
I did have time to throw them in the dryer for a while while I checked my e-mail!

Oh and the list goes on! The way I see it, there may have been a lot of things that I didn't have time to do, but when I look back over the week, there was a lot of important things I did making dirt, rock soup!

So, tell me....what is it that you don't have time for, and what do you have time for?

1 comment:

  1. I told someone through my tears this week that I don't have time to cry!

    But I did find time to drown my sorrows in sushi one night.
