Friday, April 2, 2010

Call all your family and friends......

Get ready blog world! Today's post, unlike the last post, will be life changing, thought provoking, deep....REAL DEEP! That's just the way I am.

I need to take you back a few years, well more like about 26 years....Grab a cup of coffee, tea or a Diet Pepsi and let's chat shall we? My eggs are on the stove boiling to dye later, so let's get right to the intellectual conversation.

Me and my hubby had been married only a short while, when one day we decided to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. I jumped up and said "I will make them for us honey" (I don't cook much or very well, but PB&J is one of my specialties). As I was beginning to make them, my sweet little husband came in and proceeded to ask me what I was doing?

"What am I doing? What am I doing? Making you a lovely PB&J sandwich darling!" And that is when things got ugly! And I do mean ugly! In all the sweetness that man has in his heart, he told me that I was making it wrong! HUH?? Making a PB&J wrong...WRONG?? He began to show me the "correct" way to make a sandwich. Now dear people, we have been married for 27 years, and have had our share of arguments, 98% of them we do not even remember what they were about and we are usually quick to forgive and/or apologize, but not this one...NOT THIS ONE! I think I am right and he thinks he is right! We need closure, we need help we need to know who is right!

This is how you can help. Below I will tell you how Rod made his PB&J and then I will tell you the correct way....I mean my way, then I need you to comment on who is right.
Please call your family, friends and distant relatives to get their input, we need to have this settled. I will give you all weekend to vote and let you all know the results next Monday.

Take one slice of bread and carefully, or so carefully and smoothly put on the peanut butter. Careful to get to the edges and spread evenly. Then you go and take a different slice of bread (see this is where it gets weird) and then you put the jelly on that piece of bread...carefully, smoothly....evenly....yadda yadda yadda. THEN carefully put the 2 pieces together. Weird...right??
Take one slice of bread and blop the peanut butter on, then take the SAME piece of bread and smear the jelly ON TOP of the peanut butter and mix it together! (mmmm makes me hungry thinking about it!) Then you go and get another piece of bread and mush 'em together!

So there ya have it folks! Start voting!! This will settle the age old argument of "who makes PB&J the right way"! I warned you this post was going to be thought-provoking! Hit the comment button and vote now!

Oh jeepers I forgot about my eggs...........


  1. Okay I have to go with dad on this one. I always thought people who would put their pb&j on the same bread was strange. That's just not right, but Will makes his that way!! He even likes to buy the pb&j that is in the same jar.. YUCK!!!!

  2. I make them like Rod. Sorry Kathy. Maybe I'll give your way a try sometime! :)

  3. I've created a monster!!! Haha! Surprisingly, I'm with you on this :)

  4. gotta say i'm with Rod - have a most Happy Easter.

  5. I'm sorry Kathy.....I make them like Rod. I don't like the peanut butter and jelly to be smeared together! :)

  6. I vote for Me. We both know that the only proper way to make a PB & J is the way "I" do it.... LOL :)

    Love ya, Me

  7. Kathy sounds like you are mixing food. You probably get your peanut butter mixed in with the Jelly in the jar as well. I have to say that Rodney Brian is correct. Love ya

  8. The way to do it is take the bread, cup it in your hand, and throw it in the trash, then grab a beer for less carbs.
