Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm so head is spinning.

Remember that song?

I woke up dizzy this morning.
I am prone to nauseousness.
This was different.

Thought maybe it was my diabetes.
Then I thought maybe a stroke.
Then I thought maybe a heart attack.
Then I thought I am over-reacting!

Thought maybe it was inner ear infection.
Then I thought maybe sinus drainage.
Then I thought maybe I slept wrong.
Then I thought I am not a doctor!

Went to the doctor.
They took blood tests and done an EKG.
Then I really thought I was having a heart attack!!
But I wasn't...and that made me happy!

More tests are to be done Monday....
on my brain!!!!??? Seriously??
Now I think THEY are over-re-acting!
I am better now, just a throbbing headache.

I have had that song going through my head all day...
I'm so dizzy / Like a whirlpool it never ends
I sang it to Rod in the car.
It made us laugh.

Here is to singing and laughing...but NOT to being dizzy!

1 comment:

  1. Tests on your brain...I wanna watch...gotta see what's in there!
    Seriously, let me know what's goin' on?!
