Friday, April 23, 2010

A Funny Grandma Story......

I was going to title this post "home remedies" because me and some friends were talking about that earlier in the week. The more I thought of the home remedies the more I thought about MY GRANDMA! And so I thought I would share a little sneak peek about my Grandma.

Grandma Coot, as she was so affectionately called, was not your typical Grandma. But then again, none of my relatives would be considered "typical." I don't think Grandma coot ever said she loved me or hugged me...or anyone for that matter, but she was always "there." She was definetly one of a kind in many ways.

She did have her home remedies, which she swore by. One example that she believed in was to carry a potato in her right pocket to help with her arthritis. I can't say as it ever helped because she was always hobbling along and grunted and groaned everytime she would have to stand up from a sitting position, but then who knows, maybe it would of been a lot worse had she NOT had the potato in her pocket. The other remedy, that I cringe to tell you, was for small children that had an ear ache. Now remember, this was her remedy, NOT mine. When the child would say they had an earache she would set them on her lap and blow smoke from her cigarette into their ear!! I know.....I know.....but see?? these are my ROOTS as to which I grew up in.

Grandma Coot was always cooking....always. She was also always smoking....always! So the two of those things always went together....always! She even worked in a restaurant and cooked with a cigarette in her mouth!! It didn't seem wierd back 40 years ago! Grandma use to make the BEST GRAVY! Everybody loved Grandma's gravy. One day I happened to be sitting in the kitchen while she was cooking gravy....and the same time. Her sweet chubby arms were whisking the gravy just as fast as she could to get the lumps out. She never made lumpy gravy! I noticed that the ashes on her cigarette, that was hanging from her mouth, was gettting longer and longer. I kept watching....she kept whisking....and smoking....I watched....she whisked...she smoked....ashes grew....then PLOP! The ashes fell right into the gravy and I am here today to tell you that Grandma never missed a beat....she just whisked those ashes right into the gravy!! I said "GRANDMA THAT IS GROSSE". To that she just looked at me like "what??, nothing happened"? I don't remember much after that, but I am sure we all sat down and ate a good portion of mashed potatoes and gravy for supper that night!

I think I need therapy......

Please make me feel better by sharing a funny Grandma story......


  1. i still laugh out loud every time you tell the gravy story!

  2. That is hilarious!!!

    In the Mexican culture, they blow cigarette smoke into ears that are hurting. At the natural food store, they sell this cone that looks like those dog chew hides and you light it and blow the smoke into the ear. Not sure what it is. Don't waste your money on therapy...your family is totally fine. :)

  3. I don't remember seeing Ma Coot cook, all I remember was that boiled hot dog water smell in the kitchen all the time, and the flies in the cookies.

  4. The flies were in the butter too!
