Sunday, March 28, 2010

The stories you are about to hear are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent! Remember that show? I use to call it "Jump Over De Fence"...but really it was titled "Judge of Defense"! Just a little preview of what you are in for with this blog....consider yourself warned!

First, I would like to thank Becky for making us..uhhh...uummmm I mean encouraging us all to write blogs, seriously THANKS A LOT! (heavy sarcasm). I thought the assignment was due next week, but oh's due tomorrow! So hear I am frantically typing, and not knowing what I am doing on a Sunday evening. It's all o.k. though....that's how I roll....nothing else to do, care free and all is right with the let's get started shall we?

Becky gave six of us "blog assignments" ha! who does she think she is giving us assignments?? Just an FYI, all the other ladies blogs will be filled with thought-provoking ideas, wisdom and encouragement. Mine....not so much....just stories....true stories non the less....but just stories about my life. Let's start with a story about my dear sweet friend Becky....

Becky and I have been friends for many years, but we are about as opposite as they come. She has blonde hair, I have brown (this month), she is tall, I am short, she is thin and I am....well let's just say, I am not! Becky wears high heels...I think I am dressed up if I wear tennis shoes with out holes in them. Becky decorates her home in vignettes, I say what the heck is a vignette?? For lunch Becky sets down to a quaint little "arugula salad with grilled chicken, corn, tomatos and blue cheese. For lunch I am usually driving down the highway at 60mph shoving a twinkie in my mouth! Becky belongs to a cooking club.... I use to belong to a brownies girl scout troop, is that similar?

There are a few things we have in common. We both love the Lord and we would do anything for each other....and that my friends is why I wrote this silly blog for her!