Thursday, August 26, 2010


I feel like whenever I write an entry in this blog, I need to make some kind of disclaimer, or at the very least, I need to explain myself before I begin. This entry is no different!

First I need everyone to know that I absolutely adore my friends! They are the best! You know when someone says they married "well" or they married "up", speaking of their spouse? Well that is how I feel about my friends....I feel like they are "up" and I may be a little below their level. That is perfectly fine by me, I am not in any way complaining. But sometimes, it gets me into trouble.....hence today's title "PARTY FROCK!"

The other day I received an invitation in the mail to a Birthday party for one of my friends, given at another friends house. I was thrilled! I love birthday parties... especially for my friends. But then I re-read the invitation, and I read some words that I am pretty sure I have never read on an invitation before, it said

"Put on your party frock and join us for a poolside luncheon"

Party frock???? PARTY FROCK!!! See what I mean when I say most of my friends and I are not on the same level? Now the thing that gets me into trouble most of the time, is that I pretend to know what they are talking about and then I usually come away looking foolish. Here is my problem...I have no idea what "party frock" means!! I thought about looking it up under GOOGLE, but a few missed keys on the key board and you never know what I will come up with!

I know what "poolside luncheon" means....that means we are going to sit by her lovely swimming pool and eat lunch....and believe you is NOT going to be a bologna sandwich, trust me on this one. I will give you the details of that later. Right now I am just worried about my frock!

I am bound and determined NOT to be embarrassed( I wouldn't want them to know I didn't have a "frock" to wear) when I go to this party. I have looked high and low and asked many people where I could find a frock....but to no avail.

But after a stop at the goodwill (doesn't that sound like a store that would have "frocks") I think I have my party frock completed for tomorrow! Once again, I think I will pull this off and they will not have a clue, that I didn't know what a "party frock" was!

Wish me luck, and I will let you know if I still have my friends when this is all over!

Here's to party frocking!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Story Time once again.....

Summer is winding down.....VBS is over....and all the hard work of preparing, planning and going to Royal Family Kids Camp is all done. I feel like I have time on my hands, like I have time to spare, like I have time for a ....Unicycle Story!

This is the story of my first date. I was in the 7th grade and was invited to the junior high dance. First of all, I was thrilled that somebody actually asked me to go to the dance,(short, chubby, glasses, and acne described me well) and even a little more excited because I had been taking "dance" in gym class. Have any of you ever taken "dance" in gym? It was great! We would all stand in the hot, sweaty gym, in our P.E. uniforms (remember them???!)and listen as our coach yelled out "Hand on hip... Hand on shoulder...1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and..... oh I remember it well.

The week before the dance, I remember my mom asking me if I wanted her to show me how to dance. SHOW ME HOW TO DANCE??? "Mom, I learned how to dance in gym class, what more could you show me?" I assured her, that I knew how to dance and would not need any instructions from an OLD person. Oh how those words would come back to haunt me!

It was Saturday afternoon, and I really don't remember getting ready for the dance at all. In fact, I probably spent most of the day at my friend Patti's house, like I did most Saturdays. I don't remember making many plans on how we were getting to the dance, what we were going to wear or any preparations at all. The only thing I do remember practicing, is saying to myself.....1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and... I was so ready for this dance.

It was 7:00 o'clock and I was outside eagerly waiting for him. I looked down the street......and then I looked again...and again....the kid was coming to pick me up on his unicycle!! For those of you who don't know, a unicycle is a bike...with ONE wheel and ONE seat! I thought to myself, "where am I going to sit?" I soon found out that I wasn't going to "sit", I was going to "run along" beside him! (Remember short, chubby??) We finally arrived at the school, hot....sweaty...and barely breathing.

Once we got inside of the NON-AIR CONDITIONED gym, I took a few minutes to catch my breathe,drink some punch, eat a few cookies and secretly smell my under pits. After I took care of all of that, I started counting in my head again....1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and...... I was finally ready to dance!

He was standing against one wall, and I was against another. He walked over to me to dance. I still remember thinking that this was the most romantic time of my life! My heart was beating fast, I was sweaty and I was stinky, but I was still counting in my head...1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and....and then it happened!

I grabbed that kid by his shoulders and for the next 3 minutes, I literally pushed him around the gym floor! All the while I was still counting, OUT LOUD, Poor kid probably thought he had joined the army! I saw other couples gingerly, softly, swaying back and forth in the corner, arms around each others waist. Around their WAIST?? Didn't they hear the coaches yell "Hands on hip...Hand on shoulder??" I must of been the only one that listened, because I was the only one that was dancing the right way...and I was proud of it!

The kid held on for dear life, while I made 12 complete laps,(perfect ovals) around the gym floor for the entire song. I still remember the song that was playing, Slow Dancing, by Johnny Rivers. The song says "Slow dancing, swaying to the music..." Not us...we were were not slow and we definitely were not swaying.....1 and 2 and 1 and 2. It was years later that I learned that I was suppose to be counting to a beat....not counting to an army march!

After that dance, our one and only dance of the evening, we went our separate ways. I stood by the wall with the girls and drank punch and ate more cookies. Inside I was secretly gloating on my dancing techniques!

I waited a few minutes after the dance got over for him, but couldn't find him. I started to walk home alone....and then pretty soon I heard him peddling...and huffing and then his voice...

"Come on Kathy, run along beside me!"

Oh good we go again!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dear Sandy.....

and anybody else that may read this little 'ole blog!
I will be back to blogging in about 3 weeks....after
thanks for sitting me only you can Sandy!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Unicycle Story.....

I have had this blog for almost two months and have written 18 posts so far. I consider that pretty good for me, considering when I started I didn't know if I would write past my first post!

Thanks for the encouragement and your comments. I really love to read the comments, and I apologize now for those of you who say you are having trouble "commenting" on here. I would fix it if I knew how....honest I would. Some have taken the extra time to e-mail me or comment on my face book, and I love that too! I just love the "interaction thing" on here, otherwise one could feel like they are talking to their self....and I do that enough in "real life"!

All that to say, as soon as some of my friends heard I was going into "blogland" they wanted to hear the famous "Unicycle Story". I have debated if I could really "write" about this experience to give it justice. I usually need a lot of room to tell this story. It is about my very first date....if you could call it the 7th grade. Just so you know, that was my very first date and MY LAST, until I met my (now) husband, my senior year. So that can give you a clue as how the unicycle date went!

But! before I give you all the embarrassing details, please tell me about your first date! Was it hot and steamy?? Cold and clammy?? Awkward and embarrassing? I usually get so enthralled at telling MY story, I don't stop to ask anyone about their first date!

I thought about asking if I could get 5 people to write about their first date, then I would tell the unicycle story.....but that seemed to easy.

Then I thought 10! If I can get 10 people to comment on here (or e-mail or facebook) I will tell the unicycle story. Then I realized I don't have 10 people who read this.......

So my offer is 7! If I am going to publicly humiliate myself.. then I will do it for no less than 7 comments about YOUR FIRST DATE!

***If you can not leave a comment on here (for whatever reason) then e-mail me at or leave a comment on my facebook page.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time keeps on slippin', slippin, slippin....

into the future. Remember that song? I was in some kind of music group in the 7th grade, I believe, and we sang that song at one of our concerts. I even remember all the actions we had.....

I want to fly like an eagle......spread arms wide from side to side
to the sea...move right arm in an up and down motion across the front of you
fly like an eagel....same as before
let me spirit carry me....both hands waving in the air and bend at the knees

Oh my goodness that was ridiculous....but I thought I was so cool! Anyways,back to the blog title, Time keeps on slippin', slippin' slippin...

I looked at my poor neglected blog and realized I had not made an entry for 11 days. I thought "what the heck have I been doing for the past 11 days that I haven't written on my blog"? So I really began to think....

Besides the usual, work, clean, laundry, personal hygeine etc., this is what I came up with...

*Celebrated Mother's Day

*Celebrated new grandson's baby dedication in Norfolk

*Celebrated all the grandkids birthday in Norfolk

*Celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary in Kansas City
~I see a pattern here~

*Went to a graduation party

*Went to a VBS meeting

*Went to a Royal Family Kids Camp meeting

*Went to Norfolk for 3 days for a med aid training class

*Went to West Point to take test for med aid and passed (YEAH ME!)

So think back on your weeks and tell me what you have been up to!

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin..........
anybody want to see me do the dance moves????

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Mom

Happy Mothers Day everyone! Even if you are a Father...Happy Mothers Day!! In honor of mothers day I thought I would write about the best mom in the mom! My mom become a mom for the first time when she was 14 years old, and had her last one, some 20 years later. She lived a short life but she was a mom for a long time!

Now since I am unable to type and cry at the same time, I have decided to keep this entry light hearted and simply write a few words that come to mind when I think about her.

1) Country Music....My mom LOVED country music! The more sad the song the better! She loved George Jones, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty just to name a few. She told us she wrote a song and the title was "Many Happy Hangovers to You" I am not 100% sure if this was true, but all of us kids could sing the words to it. Ask me next time you see me and I will sing you a few lines!

2) Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes....It seemed to me if my Mom wasn't working or running after a kid, she was sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and smoking a cigarette. She wasn't into social clubs, shopping or entertaining, but if you would come over she would offer you a cup of coffee and talk all afternoon. When I walked in the door after school, it was comforting for me to see her there.

3) Special Kids a.k.a. her Grandchildren....She was one Proud Grandma! It seems as though she may have forgotten about her own children just a little, once the grandchildren came along!! She loved them so much and made sure that everyone knew she had them.

4) Animals....My mom was an animal lover. I did not inherit this gene from her at all! I secretly think she may have thought that some of her dogs were human. One of her favorite dogs was Mr. BOGO. I can remember seeing her, sitting outside with that dog and talking to him....I mean like deep, meaningful conversations!! He probably gave her good advice! For a short time she had a pet pig too!

5) Funny Sayings....My mom had a knack for saying funny things and she wouldn't even mean to be funny. One time we were in the kitchen and she kept saying "shhhhhh listen" "do you hear that." Nobody else could "hear" what she was "hearing". One more time she said "Listen....I hear drums" Nobody else heard drums. But she was adamant that she heard them. Then my youngest brother walked over to the coffee pot and unplugged it and she said "Now I dont hear the drums anymore!" It had been the coffee pot perculating!!!! We still laugh at that story!
She gave us lots of laughs like that!

My mom's life was not easy, and we may not have had all the other things that other kids had, but we always knew that our mom loved us....right after country music...and the Special Kids!!

Thanks mom for sacrificing so much, for working so hard, and for loving us!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I got one of those crazy e-mails that ask you crazy questions again! I never thought I liked those e-mails...but now maybe I think I do! The rules are that you have to write 10 things down that make you smile. Oh I could of thought of a lot more things, but you are suppose to do it fast without much thought! Well, the "without much thought" was right up my alley!

So here is my list of 10 things that make me no particular order and please don't judge me....some times it's just the little things in life!

1) A cold diet pepsi first thing in the morning.
2) The name of Jesus ( particular judging me : ) )
3) Rod holding my hand in the car.
4) Sitting at the table listening to Hope's "stories"!
5) Laughing with Joy, sometimes for no reason!
6) Playing with all six of my grandchildren!
7) Playing yahtzee, scrabble, Monopoly, backgammon
8) Making crafts
9) Get togethers with my family and with friends
10) Watching 48 hours!!!! hahah remember don't judge me!!

Now come on....QUICK....tell me 10 things that make you smile!!